Freya Johnson - Performance
for technical improvements across all strokes. Great engagement with training and supporting younger teammates within sessions
Sophie Watson - CY
for hard work in training and achieving personal best times at the Alnwick Invitational Gala.
Ava Bremner - C3
for increased attendance, improvement across all strokes and trying to apply technical advice from coaches.
Alex Howard - C2
for fantastic swims at the Alnwick Invitational Gala.
Lucie Todd - C1
for training hard and applying drills.
Lexi Simpson - SD
for good attendance, good times at a recent gala and trying hard in training.
Harley-Ray Kirtley - SD
for good attendance, trying hard in training and good times at a recent gala.
Hannah McLean - Minnows
for great attendance, showing determination at training and a super effort at the mini gala
Well done everyone!
Certificates will be in the cupboard from tomorrow, don't forget to ask.