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Training fees are calculated annually and are divided into 12 standard monthly payments. Monthly payments must be paid consistently to ensure that the club continue to meet its ongoing financial commitments.

A member whose fees are more than two months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned from the Club and their membership terminated. Where membership has been terminated in this way the member shall be informed in writing either via post to the last known address or by electronic means. Club Constitution | 5.2

Fees 2024/24
Performance £152

C4 £104

CY £81

C3 £87

C2 £69

C1 £63

SD £49

Minnows £42

Tri Masters £32​

Fees are paid by Direct debit through Swim Manager. To set up your Direct Debit, please use the link

MASC Bank details  

Morpeth Barclays Bank

Acc. Number: 10648671

Sort code 20 -58 – 17

For more details about fees, please contact our Treasurer here 

If you are having difficulty paying fees

We understand that there are times when people experience financial difficulty. If you are on low or modest income and struggling to pay fees or the associated costs of membership, please contact us. All enquiries will be dealt with in confidence

Leaving Morpeth ASC

Swimmers who leave without informing us can cause the club to pay unnecessary registration fees and also prevent us from accepting other swimmers who would contribute to our income. Please be reminded that at least one months notice should be given when swimmers intend to leave the club.  

Parent Advice & Information: Text
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Parent Advice & Information: Image
Parent Advice & Information: Text
Parent Advice & Information: Text
Parent Advice & Information: Text

©2021 by Morpeth Amateur Swimming Club.

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