Tallula Parsisson
Ben Hartridge
Gabi Freeman

Kate Kennedy

Ben Hewitt

Libby Freeman

Rosie Smith

Richard Butterworth

Laurie Blacklock
Dominic Anderson & Niamh Atchison
Ethan Howe & Jess Watson
Matthew Eke & Lauren Howe
If you were a club captain at Morpeth ASC, please get in touch so we can add you to the list.
email - ruthtweedie1@btinternet.com
How to be a Club Captain
At the end of each swimming season applicants will be invited to participate in a short interview which will assist in the selection process. The selection panel will then make a recommendation to the Committee for appointment. The appointment will start in September.
Potential Club Captains will hold current Morpeth Amateur Swimming Club memberships and should be 14 years or over.
They will be appointed to the position based on their ability to demonstrate the following:
1. Ability to liaise with and take directions from coaching staff.
2. Commitment to be involved in and attend at least 80 percent of training sessions.
3. Regular attendance at competitions both home and away.
4. Demonstrate the potential for excellent leadership skills, the ability to develop a rapport with swimmers and to lead by example.
5. Ability to communicate with other swimmers, encourage good conduct and sportsmanship and to acknowledge all swimming achievements.
The Club Captain, along with all Club members, is bound by the MASC Code of Conduct and is expected to abide by these rules at all times.